Wednesday 30 August 2017

Current Loves

*HOT NEW SH*T ALERT* (new to me anyway)... I've recently been loving these , awesome four-some!


Sunday 27 August 2017

Sunday Saviours

Sundays are definitely days for taking me time. It's a day for pampering yourself and getting refreshed for the week ahead. I wanted to share with you some things and products that help me feel like a new woman and like I'm in my own little spa.


Thursday 24 August 2017

My Skincare Journey

Hi all and welcome to the new blog! I've recently changed my domain and layout and I have to say I'm rather in love with it. It's inspired me to blog again and take pretty pictures (something I've always enjoyed doing). 

Skin care can be a bit daunting when first getting into it. I sit looking on websites feeling overwhelmed at the amount of different products and brands that there are out there. I must admit that I have always been a face wipe kind of girl but since working at a skincare company I have come to terms with just how important looking after your skin is. It's the largest organ you have, why wouldn't you look after it?