Thursday 24 August 2017

My Skincare Journey

Hi all and welcome to the new blog! I've recently changed my domain and layout and I have to say I'm rather in love with it. It's inspired me to blog again and take pretty pictures (something I've always enjoyed doing). 

Skin care can be a bit daunting when first getting into it. I sit looking on websites feeling overwhelmed at the amount of different products and brands that there are out there. I must admit that I have always been a face wipe kind of girl but since working at a skincare company I have come to terms with just how important looking after your skin is. It's the largest organ you have, why wouldn't you look after it? 

I guess I’ve been quite lucky with my skin seeing as I didn't really take care of it. I used to have awful spots which led me to see a doctor and get cream after cream. None of these worked until I went on a dianette pill for a year. This cleared up my skin beautifully but obviously, everyone is different and everyone has different paths.

This is my #nomakeupselfie after starting to take care of my skin.

I'm currently in the testing stages of finding products that really work for me. I had a sample of the Sunday Riley LUNA Sleeping Night Oil from SpaceNk which I really liked and feel very bougie using but the price tag really put me off buying the full size. I mean I don't really have £85.00 spare for an oil. However, I am really enjoying the results that it gives and between me and you I did cave and get it! Oooops...

I think before finding and spending money on products it's good to establish what routine you should be carrying out. I mean I've been doing my research on steps within a skincare routine and morning and night routines are supposed to be different. Who knew?? Probably all of you...

I've come to learn that cleansing is the most important step in your routine. You're meant to be cleansing your face every night and every morning. When applying cleanser it should be onto dry skin, then to remove it you use warm water to loosen the product. If you were wearing makeup or SPF during the day a double cleanse should be carried out in the evening. The product you use for your first cleanse doesn't have to be expensive as this first step only removes makeup and residue from that day. The second cleanse is where you use your most expensive product as this is the step that makes sure your skin is clean. 

One thing I’ve learned since working at MONU Professional Skincare is that exfoliation is something that can brighten your skin. I never used to exfoliate before in my routine (if you can call a wet wipe a routine) but now I don’t think I could go on without it. The first time I exfoliated I saw instant results and my skin felt incredible. I have recently been using MONU Micro Exfoliant* which contains naturally active ingredients such as: Diatomatious Earth, Papaya Enzymes and Shea Butter. These ingredients help exfoliate the skin whilst polish and invigorate the skin. I really love this exfoliant as it doesn't contain microbeads which is a win, win!

What products do you love?! I hope that this post has inspired you on getting your skincare regime together if you didn't have much of one before!

Laura x

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