Sunday 24 April 2016


This blog post is a little one about brush cleaning. I've recently found a new way of washing my brushes which is less time consuming and far easier to do, making brush cleaning far more frequent. I used to hate washing my brushes but now I really don't mind the chore. I usually get a bowl and sit in front of the TV then I don't have to stand at a sink!

What you'll need is:
- some dirty brushes
- a bar of soap
- textured glove/ mat
- cotton pads
- rubbing alcohol

Instead of covering them in shampoo and using my hand to wash the brushes, then pray it gets all the old make up out. I've found my new favourite tool/way of washing them. I found this glove on Amazon for only £5.99 (with free delivery)!! I was looking at the Sigma brush mats and gloves but this bargain made me save a lot of my pennies. I find this so much easier to clean with as the textured surface helps to clean the brush far faster and far more efficiently.

I start by rising the dirty brush under the tap/ dipping the bristles into the water and then swirling it on a bar of soap. I just use a Dove bar but it works amazingly well, and also isn't breaking the bank. I then simply run the brush over the textured glove and work all the soap out until its clean. I then dry the brushes horizontally not vertically. It's important not to let the water near the glue that is holding the bristles as this lengthens the life span of your brushes. (Unless you dry them vertically with the bristles pointing down, which is hard to do)!

I then use the cotton pads and rubbing alcohol to clean the handles of the brushes as theres still bacteria here. Clean brushes and hands prevent breakouts on the face! Also regularly changing your pillowcase also helps to prevent spots too! Just an extra tip...

Laura x


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