Wednesday 3 January 2018

2018: Skincare Resolutions

Hello 2018! It's been a while since my last post I know but... new year new me, right? I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year!

Now is the time that everyone is making new year resolutions. I have to say that they're something that I've never really thought about or made in the past. For 2018 I really want to push myself and stick to the things that I set myself. I've decided that I want to focus on really working on basic skincare and getting myself into good habits to improve this. These are a few things that I want to improve on throughout the year:

Have a set skincare routine.
I really need to get a basic skincare routine down to see the improvements i'm looking for with my skin. I've recently had more breakouts than normal and I'm putting this down to eating far too much chocolate along with enjoying the Christmas period a little too much; but it's also probably due to my lack of routine within my skincare.

Stop touching my face and stop picking at my face.
I'm one for picking at my face if I see the smallest pimple or imperfection. We all know that popping spots isn't great for our skin if extracted incorrectly. My picking sessions often turn into weeks of scars and scabs, 2018 will be the year to leave my skin alone. Everyone gets spots, just embrace them.

Cleanse morning and night. Saying bye to the wet wipes for good.
No matter how tired I am after a long day of wearing make up, I've got to say bye to the wet wipes. I find that they dry my skin out and also don't get rid of all of my make up (not helping with my current spot issue).

Remember to wear SPF everyday.
Since using more AHAs and Retinol in my skincare I have been more aware of the importance of wearing SPF daily. To get youthful looking skin SPF is the answer, always protect and prevent.

Drink more water.
I don't drink enough as it is but drinking water is a big thing when keeping my skin clear. Water helps to flush out the impurities. I was great at doing this throughout the begining of 2017 and got worse towards the end. Hopefully this year I'll make it the whole year through and come out of 2018 with glowing skin.

Facial massage daily.
I recently became aware of the advantages of facial massage. Researching Nurse Jamie and the Sarah Chapman massage tools I think that this resolution will be an easy one to accomplish.

Mask at least once a week.
I got so many new masks and skincare bits for Christmas that this should be an easy self love skincare resolution. A pamper night once a week is all anybody needs to feel fresh again. The benefits will be great too!

What are your resolutions? Just because its not January 1st doesn't mean you can't start a fresh...

Laura x

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