Wednesday 16 March 2016


Now to tell you the truth my office has been a dumping ground since forever. BUT after this spring clean I've decided to get into it more. Its amazing what a new desk-top and light can do! I just thought that I'd do a little blog post on my home office space, where I'm starting to do most of my work!

I started my little office with a few shelves and an Ikea desk. I was so in love with it, but over time, this little room had turned into a dumping ground for everything and anything. A floor-drobe, a place for photography lights, piles of paper and the list goes on. So I decided to freshen it up a bit with a new chair and re-arrangement of my shelves.

Just so you know the floors in the above two images aren't shown for a reason... The reason being junk room. I recently decided on getting a brighter light for this room, as you can see I have a lot of windows but its not always sunny... So I got this chandelier from British Home Stores in the recent weeks to bring the room to life, and it sure does that. I also decided on swapping out my Oak look desk top and swap it for a high-gloss white version. As it's the Ikea build yourself desk with separate top and legs it was super easy! I couldn't love this room more now.

Since being at university I have had to sit at a laptop/ computer much more than I'd normally (I'm not actually sure how true that is). But I've found myself propped up in bed on a laptop for hours, normally with a very sore neck. I decided to invest in a iMac to get myself organised and into my office more. So far it has worked! 

Have you had a spring clean yet?

Laura x


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